Liposuction or liposculpture
Liposuction and liposculpture are terms that are used interchangeably. Liposuction literally means: sucking away fat. After the technique was refined, the term 'liposculpture' was used.
In the beginning, no products were used to prevent swelling and bruising and the tubes were on the thick side.
In the meantime, the technology has evolved enormously: the suction tubes or cannulas have become much finer and a liquid is injected to combat pain, swelling and bruising, which makes the procedure much more comfortable for you.
Liposuction can be performed (almost) anywhere on the body, but the skin must still be elastic and tight, with as few stretch marks as possible. Often, areas are treated that are not affected by sports and diets: riding breeches, love handles, lower and upper abdomen. But the inner thighs, arms and double chin can also be significantly upgraded.
Liposculpture will better 'sculpt' or shape the body, but it is not a method for losing weight.
The intervention
First, a liquid is injected containing medication to relieve pain and bruising.
Fat is then aspirated through several very small incisions using fine cannulas.
The procedure takes approximately 1 to 2 hours depending on the number of areas treated and is usually performed under general anesthesia.
After the procedure
You will be given a lipopanty, corset or belly band to apply a certain amount of pressure to the treated area(s). This will reduce swelling and make the result more even.
The pressure garment must be worn for one month.
When you are awake enough, you may leave the recovery room and continue to rest in your room.
You may go home later in the day, but you are not allowed to drive yourself.
You will receive a letter with advice to promote good healing.
You will also be given an appointment to have the stitches removed after a week.
The result
After about 6 weeks an initial evaluation will follow and after about 6 months you can assess the final result.
The treated area may be firmer and the scars barely visible.